Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Political Cartoon 2

1.     I can’t really find the caption or the title of this political cartoon but I think the title of this political cartoon would be something like Liberty in Libya? The reason why those words are being used to describe this cartoon because the picture is basically demonstrates the Libyan is trying to restore liberty.
2.     In this cartoon, the Statue of Liberty represents liberty. There is a sign that says Libya, and the people on that side are restoring the Statue of Liberty. While, on the other side Khadafy is stuck and he is trying to get out. I think the artist is trying to say that if Libyans can gain their liberty than Khadafy would not be content since he would lose all this power and wealth.
3.     In the cartoon, the Libyan are trying to restore the Statue of Liberty while Khadafy is stuck and definitely not happy about it.
4.     The message of this cartoon would be Libyans are trying to gain their liberty like Egyptians. The ideological perspective of this cartoon would be liberal because Libyans want things to be modernized.
5.     Well, this cartoon is basically demonstrates the civil right war in Libya. During class, we also talked about the chaos in Libya and Egypt and how it affects our country.
6.     In this cartoon, the Libyans are trying to restore the Statue of Liberty, which means they want to have as much freedom as possible like Americans and they want to overthrow their president.

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