Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Political Cartoon 5

1. I think the caption for this political cartoon would be "UHF band message from Oslo - they want their Peace Prize back." These words are being used to  describe the cartoon because the artist wants to emphasize Obama's decision to attack Libya.
2. There are three missiles, a plane and two soldiers. It seems like Obama was the pilot that sits in the front. The artist is trying to illustrate the fact that Obama was supposed to stop all the wars but instead his involvement with them has recently increased.
3. In this cartoon, the three missiles and the plan are flying on the air. Obama is sitting on the front as if he was the pilot. The soldier that sitting behind him is on the phone is trying to tell Obama that Oslo wants their Peace Prize back.
4. This cartoon is trying to say that Obama is making a wrong decision by attacking Libya and he doesn't deserves the Nobel Peace Prize. I think the ideological perspective that represented by the cartoonist would be liberal because a liberal Democratic would wants to stop all the wars and maintain the peace.
5. Well, this cartoon is basically represents the recent attack on Libya under the Obama Administration. During class, we would also mention about Obama never really goes to Congress and tell them to declare war. He just basically went to Libya and attack them.
6. The satire of this cartoon would how Obama supposed to maintain the peace and be the guy that would gives the citizens some hope therefore he won the Peace Prize. However, after his decision to attack Libya I think people were kind of disappointed in him. They also think he doesn't really deserve the Peace Prize

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